Tuesday 16 July 2013

                                                              big forearms are great they complete your looks and  gives you more manly appearance.skinny forearms are big drawbacks they effect your lifting capacity your grip strength. In heavy compound lifts our grip strength and strong forearms really matters.
weak grip effects are lifts badly weak forearms means you dont have enough strength to hold that heavy loads during the exercise. SO to compensate your weak grip we use straps in heavy back exercise which makes the forearm strength lag behind the other body parts.     there are two ways to build big forearms 
1st method is the indirect stimulation for example 
heavy deadlifts
avoiding the use of straps  
using a thicker bar
2nd method is the direct stimulation ,for example
1- Throw your straps away
2- Long bouts of HEAVY gripping 
3- HEAVY reverse curls, power cleans, pulls, rows 
4- HEAVY upright rows, drag rows 
5- HEAVY statics, deadlifts, farmers walks 
6- HEAVY hammer curls, then do partial reps and static holds with them 
7- MISC ...plate pinching, grippers, towell chin ups(all these will work as well but nothing pisses a forearm off worse than long bouts of HEAVY gripping ...and I mean use some serious weight) 

The biggest forearms I've seen was from a guy that never worked out a day in his life. He was a metal worker. 

If you have stubburn forearms, I would steer clear of light weights, wrist rolling and curling. You want to activate the largest motor units possible and create a forest of big trees in the forearm. Don't waste your time with the little weeds. Heavy weights, lots of reps. WORK! There's no way around it. 

its time to discuss about some isolation exercises for your forearms..ok,so here we go
so here are 5 exercises based only on your forearms to target special muscles:-
1. cable wrist curl
2. farmers walk
3. dumbell wrist curl
4. dumbell lying supination
5. dumbell lying pronation
6. hammer curl
hope this blog helped in every way to increase your forearm size.

Tuesday 28 May 2013


BUILD Bigger shoulders with 5 easy moves
you want build big shoulders here is your solution

                              hello, everybody i {ojassvi kapahi} is back with how to build big shoulders
we are here to discuss 5 easy easy to develop big round shoulders.everybody knows how big round shoulders enhance your personality they also enhance your v-taper look and with the pair of developed shoulders you stand out of the with great self esteem and confidence
so here are those 5 moves
1)military press-the most well known exercise for shoulders      

STAY CONSERVATIVE with the amount of weights you
use and focus on using your shoulders not your legs to raise
the bar .At the top of the lift, the bar should be locked out above your head.

2)front delt raise-for front deltoid

raise your arms one after the other in front of you with weights in hands about your shoulder level.don't drop the weight bring it down under controlled form and speed.

3)side delt raise-for middle deltoid
raise the weights in both towards your side as shown in this pic with elbows slightly bent . raise and bring the weight down in slow and controlled manner.

4)Rear delt raise-for rear deltoid
keep the weights on lighter side and elbows slightly bent while doing this exercise.BEND DOWN  and do it like a reverse fly.

5)shrugs-  it will focus on your traps as well as your shoulders

shrugs both good for traps and also help some what
to shoulders.hold the barbell with both hands and shrug the weight up try to squeeze your traps muscle and bring the shoulder towards your ears ,it is straight up and down motion no,curling back your

Friday 3 May 2013

build BIGGER arms

                      hello, veiwers my name is OJASSVI
             So, i am here to tell you to HOW To increase the size oF your Biceps
biceps are the show muscles of the body, a big bicep will boost your self esteem
how you call them "Big GUNS" "pythons" etc. so there are two ways to increase your bicep size:
1) 1st is to train them heavy with fewer reps
2) 2nd method is larger number of reps with lighter weights
sceintific studies has shown this both methods are good for increasing the size but the people who use the first method have the larger strength gains.
there is one additional tips to boost your arm size is you also focus on your tricep exercises, train them hard, train them heavy because triceps are bigger muscles than biceps they cover larger area on arms than the biceps,      TRICEP  responds better to heavy training.
              SO  here are some exercises that can help you increase your bicep size
1)hammer curls
feets shoulder width apart and palms facing you . now bring the weight
up towards your shoulder. this exercise will work your forearm and the
outer head of the bicep.

2)barbell curls
feets shoulder width apart , grab the baebell slightly wider than the shoulder width , lock your upper arms on your sides and without swinging the weight or moving your back
bring the weight up.

3)dumbell curls
This the most commonly known workout of biceps.
feets shoulder width apart, hands on your sides know alternately curl the weight up.

4)preacher curls 
arms on the pad , back in a comfortable position
arms shoulder width apart do the curls in proper form and
and conrtolled manner and not to forget to squeeze hard at the top of the moment.

5)concentration curls (this will enhance bicep peak) 
sit on a bench spread your legs as shown in the picture ,
place your elbow inside the thigh and the other hand should
rest on the thigh , curl the weight up and pause for a second on
the top of the movement and squeeze your bicep hard.

6)cable curls

grab the rod which attached to pulley and weight on the other side with your both hands and slowly curl it up.

ADDITIONAL TIP: In order to gain size in arms we should also focus on compound lifts example different types of rows or rowing exercises, pullups . chinups etc.
                          here are some exercises that will increase tricep size and overall size of the arms:

1)diamond pushups

place your hands close to make a triangle shape on the floor and start
doing pushups by pushups placing the hands closer this will focus on your

2)close grip bench press 
grab the bench press rod with a narrower grip this will shift
the load from chest to tricep and hence making them work

3)skull crushers
lie down on a bench and grab the T-bar with a shoulder width grip and then bend your elbows and
lower the weight towards your forehead and then raise up.

4)push downs 
grab the overhead pulley and try to push it down and then return to mean position .

place the hands behind your back on a bench and place the
foot on the another bench in front of you then go down and raise up in a controlled manner .              

  so these are all that workouts for your arms, go hit the weights hard